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2 Corinthians

The Second Letter of the Apostle Paul to the Corinthians

In the closing chapter of the First Letter, Paul hints that he wrote from Ephesus, where an effectual door of service had been opened to him by the Lord, and where adversaries abounded. In the opening chapter of the Second Letter, he refers to the great riot in the Ephesian theater which closed his service of over two years in that great city.

Before the riot occurred, the plan of the Apostle was to pass through Macedonia and Achaia on his way to Jerusalem, and later to go to Rome. Acts 19:12 proves this, and there is confirmation of the first part of the plan in 1 Cor.16:5, and in 2 Cor.1:15-16. However Paul had been diverted from what he had planned. The riot led to a hurried departure for Macedonia. He got as far as Troas, where again the Lord opened a door before him (2 Cor.2:12-13). As of yet he was too disturbed in mind to think about the Corinthians, and the possible effect on them of his first Letter, so instead of passing by them into Macedonia (2 Cor.1:16), he sailed directly for Macedonia. When he reached Macedonia, things were even more disturbing, but presently he was cheered by Titus with the good tidings as regards the Corinthians. This gave him great joy and relief and prompted the Second Letter which we are now to consider.

It seems, from several sayings scattered over the different pages of this Second Letter to the Church at Corinth, and especially from what Paul said about Titus coming from them to him; that the Apostle's First Letter had been very kindly received by the Church in general. And, it is more than likely, that Paul felt as a result of that, he was more encouraged to speak to the Church, as he here has done in several of the chapters, in endearing words of the sweetest comfort.

As to the time when written, it has been generally thought, that it was not later than a year after the First Letter. The close of the Letter dates it from Philippi. And Titus and Lucas, were the highly favored brethren to carry it to the Church.

I do not think it is necessary to describe the sum and substance of this Letter, by a long detail of contents. Each Chapter carries with it the blessed details in its opening, I would say, that the Letter was not intended to be just for the Church of Corinth, but to be considered by the whole body of Christ in that area, and for us today as well.

May we always remember that every good and perfect gift that is appointed to our mutual benefit comes only through Jesus Christ our Lord and may we always give Him praise for it.

2 Corinthians

Ch.1 . . ch.2 . . ch. 3 . . ch.4 . . ch.5 . . ch.6 . . ch.7 . . ch.8 . . ch. 9 . . ch.10 . . ch.11 . . ch.12 . . ch.13 . . Special Comments

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