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We here at His Servants' Ministry, teach the whole Truth of God's Holy Word. We teach God's goodness and mercy and Heaven; but we also teach God's righteous wrath and judgment to come and an eternal Hell, a Lake of Fire.

It deeply saddens me the way that the world is turning away from the goodness of Almighty God. The vast majoriy of people in the world today never, ever, think of eternity. They just keep on keeping on in their sin, and they really must think they will go to Heaven. My dear friend, there really IS a Hell, and there really IS a Judgment Day when ALL people will be held accountable for their sins. BEWARE!!!

Many of our articles are linked to other Christian web sites. We do not always agree 100% with everything these sites say, but as a rule, they have the same basic beliefs that we do.

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Book of Isaiah

Isaiah Chapter 10

Theme: Judgment of Assyria after she executes God's judgment on Israel; the Great Tribulation and Battle of Armageddon.

We need to remember that this is a series or successions of prophecies which began with Chapter 7 and continues through Chapter 12. The prophecies were given during the reign of Ahaz, a wicked king. Isaiah gives a black background with his predictions, which speaks to local hearers, but he also looks FAR down through the ages to that wonderful day when the Almighty Lord shall set up His Kingdom here on this Earth.

Chapter 10 is yet another remarkable chapter in the Holy Word of God. Great values and enormous plans in our God's dealings with men and nations are set forth. The chapter opens with a brief discussion on the courts of that day. The injustices of the courts of the nation, are always reflected in the culture of the people and the rebuke and punishment of God. This Chapter can help us in our lives today IF we take the warnings seriously!

God will use the Assyrians to judge Israel. I believe that Assyria is a symbol of the future king of the north (Dan.11:15, 40) who shall come up against Immanuel's land (Isa.8:9) in the last days. This prophecy reaches far beyond Isaiah's day and extends to the last days of the nation Israel. Isaiah identifies the period by the term, in that day.

The chapter ends with the overwhelming picture of the approach of the enemy from the north to the Battle of Armageddon.

Isaiah Chapter 10 (10:1-4)

Isaiah 10:1-4 differs in several ways from the rest of the chapter, and may result from another situation, which attacks unjust judges, who deprive the poor and defenseless of justice, that they may defraud them. What will they do when the storm of vengeance sweeps on them from afar? To whom can they turn?

The Woe of Unjust Oppressors (10:1-4)

Isaiah 10:1 Woe unto them that decree unrighteous decrees, and that write grievousness which they have prescribed; (KJV) 

Woe unto them that decree unrighteous decrees . . . some understand this as a threatening to be condemned; and is to be understood as the lying against lawgivers and judges, political rulers and governors of the people, that made unrighteous laws; laws which did not agree to the law of God, nor right reason; and were harmful to the persons and properties of the people; and which were intended for the oppression of good people, especially the poor, and for the protection of wicked men, who had no conscience of their wickedness. Them that decree, is mainly unrighteous judges, but includes anyone going along with the evils of it.
And that write grievousness which they have prescribed . . . grievous and intolerable laws being made by ungodly people, who wrote them or ordered them to be written and published  . . . and forced the people not to question them. This means the same persons as before; not religious but political governors, and such as lived before the Babylon captivity. Write grievousness . . . the magistrates who caused unjust decisions, literally, injustice or grievousness, to be recorded by them (Isa.1:10, 23; 65:6).

Isaiah 10:2 To turn aside the needy from judgment, and to take away the right from the poor of my people, that widows may be their prey, and that they may rob the fatherless! (KJV) 

To turn aside the needy from judgment . . . the laws being made discouraged the people to apply for any kind of justice; and, when they did try, they were agitated and harassed with such long, annoying and costly trials, that forced them to stop. The cause was generally given against them, and for the rich. Sounds like today!
And to take away the right from the poor of my people . . . not to do justice to the poor is the same as to plunder and rob them, and take away by force what rightfully belongs to them. Take away the right . . . make plunder of the poor a rightful claim of the strong and mighty. Again, sounds like today.
That widows may be their prey, and that they may rob the fatherless . . . those who have none to protect and defend them, are taken advantage of by those judges who should be protecting them. Civil magistrates should be imitating God, whom they are supposed to represent, the LORD who is the Judge of the widows and the fatherless; and therefore this is observed as an aggravation of their sin, which was very great indeed. It is very wicked for a judge to pervert the judgment of the poor and needy, the widow and the fatherless, because that is totally opposed to laws that are made by God.

Isaiah 10:3 And what will ye do in the day of visitation, and in the desolation which shall come from far? to whom will ye flee for help? and where will ye leave your glory? (KJV) 

And what will ye do in the day of visitation . . . what will ye do, what way of escape will there be for you? Visitation of God's wrath (Isa.26:14; Job 35:15; Hos.9:7). I believe that this looks forward to the last days and Judgment Day. Are you ready for Judgment Day? All people who have ever lived shall take their turn to stand before the Great Judge Jesus! http://www.judgmentcoming.org/judgment_day.htm
Day of visitation: (Isa.10:3; Jer.46:21; 50:27; Mic.7:4; Lk.19:43-44; 1 Per.2:12)      
And in the desolation which shall come from far? . . . from Assyria, which was far from the land of Judea. Desolation indicates a storm, tumult, noise and confusion; referring to what would be made by the Assyrian army, when it came upon them.
To whom will ye flee for help? . . . Rezin king of Syria, their confederate, being destroyed; and Syria, with whom they were in alliance, had now become their enemy Isa.9:11).
And where will ye leave your glory? . . .  their high-up titles, and badges of honor as princes, judges and civil magistrates, which they should be stripped of; and too their unrighteous wealth, which they gotten by perverting the judgment of the poor and needy, the widow and the fatherless, of which they gloried; and which now would be taken away from them, when they should go into captivity. No one can take anything with them when the die, be it glory, honor, possessions or wealth (Job 1:21; 27:19; Ps.49:17; Ecc.5:15; Lk.12:20; 1 Tim.6:7). On the day of visitation, the day of reckoning, the unjust judges shall stand before the Just Judge.

Isaiah 10:4 Without me they shall bow down under the prisoners, and they shall fall under the slain. For all this his anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still. (KJV) 

Without me they shall bow down under the prisoners, and they shall fall under the slain . . . because they have been forsaken by the LORD, and were deprived of His help, they shall bow down. Because they are without God, they are this people (Isa.9:13, 16), not His people, and do not hearken to Him, therefore they shall bow down. They left God for their sins, they would either be, bound or carried captive, or slain with the sword, and one or the other would be the lot of every one of them.
For all this his anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still . . .  the final and utter destruction of the nation of Israel had not yet come, when carried captive to Babylon, there remained a much greater calamity for them, to come by the hands of the Romans in the last days.

This distortion of justice works itself out in all sections of society. It affects all men and brings about deterioration and degradation. Today we are at a new low as far as morals are concerned in the eyes of Almighty God.

These first four verses of Chapter 10 seem more correctly to belong to Chapter 9, so I have included them in Chapter 9 as well. 

Judgment of Assyria After She Executes God's Judgment on Israel (10:5-19)

Isaiah 10:5 O Assyrian, the rod of mine anger, and the staff in their hand is mine indignation. (KJV)

O Assyrian, the rod of mine anger . . . as calling him to come against the land of Israel to spoil it, or as grieving that the Lord was forced to make use of the Assyrian monarch in such a manner against His people. Woe to the Assyrian, wherefore this, and what follows, serve to comfort the people of God; that even though they would be carried captive by the Assyrians, and they would be utterly devastated . . . a remnant of the Jews would be saved. The Assyrian monarch is called the rod of God's anger, because he was made use of by the Lord as an instrument to chastise and correct Israel for their sins. The Assyrian is the rod and staff of God’s anger, Assyria is God’s instrument in punishing Israel (Jer.51:20; Ps.17:13).
And the staff in their hand is mine indignation . . . means the staff (rod) which was in the hand of the king of Assyria and his army, with which they smote the people of Israel, was no other than the wrath and indignation of God against those people, and the execution of it, which the Lord committed to them as instruments.

*****This is the key verse of the entire Passage, and it sheds light on the purpose of God, for this verse tells us that He will use Assyria as a rod to chasten His people Israel. God is using Assyria to correct His people, to discipline His people. The destruction which Assyria will inflict is what the Hand of the God will inflict. This is so hard for today’s modern world to swallow. They do NOT want to think of God as a God of wrath who shall indeed bring judgment on those who disobey Him. They want only to think of God as a God of love . . . but He is BOTH! There are multiple Passages in the KJV which tell us that God IS a God of wrath! BEWARE!!! See God’s Wrath in Special Comments at the end of this chapter.

Isaiah 10:6 I will send him against an hypocritical nation, and against the people of my wrath will I give him a charge, to take the spoil, and to take the prey, and to tread them down like the mire of the streets. (KJV)

I will send him against a hypocritical nation . . . the people of Israel were hypocrites (Isa.9:17). What is a hypocrite? It is someone that is good on the outside, with wicked hearts (Jer.17:9); which was the over-all character of the people of Israel in Isaiah's time, just as it was of the Jews in the times of Christ (Mat.23), and so true of those in today’s world, which are many! It is people who pretend to do good, but were the exact opposite! Hypocrites are doers of evil, workers of iniquity, who continually commit sin; and yet are thought to be very upright and sincere, both in their religion towards God, and in their dealings with men; but totally deceitful in both. A hypocrite is someone pretending to love, fear and serve the Lord, when it was only outwardly, and by profession, and not in deed, and in truth; their character contains the reason of the Lord's calling and sending the Assyrian to correct and chastise them: Pro. 21:1 The king's heart is in the hand of the LORD, as the rivers of water: he turneth it whithersoever he will. (KJV)
And against the people of my wrath . . . the people provoked Him to wrath, and deserved what that wrath would bring down on them. It was their vile hypocrisy that stirred up His wrath against them. God hates hypocrites which are liars (Ex.20:16; Lev.19:11; Pro.6:16-17; 12:22).  
Will I give him a charge, to take the spoil, and to take the prey . . . the Assyrian monarch was given a charge to make a spoil and a prey of the Jews, guiding and directing him into the land of Judea, to ravage and spoil it.
And to tread them down like the mire of the streets. . . which means the great overpowering of the inhabitants of Judah to him; the very low and mean estate into which they would be brought; the great contempt they would have and their lack of ability to help and recover themselves. Like the mire of the streets (Isa.10:12; 33:1; Zec.10:5). Here are some of our articles on hypocrisy!

*****The LORD is responsible for sending Sennacherib, the Assyrian, against Israel and for sending the northern kingdom of Israel into captivity.

Assyria is a symbol of yet another kingdom in the north whom God will use in the last days. Many Bible commentators believe this verse refers to the beast which will come out of the sea (Rev.13:1), who would be the ruler in the Revived Roman Empire. http://www.godcannotlie.org/rev_ch13.htm

Some think that this kingdom from the north is Russia. Do you think that godless Russia might be used by God in the last days? He used godless Assyria to rebuke His people in Isaiah's day, why wouldn’t He use Russia in the last days?

Isaiah 10:7 Howbeit he meaneth not so, neither doth his heart think so; but it is in his heart to destroy and cut off nations not a few. (KJV)

Howbeit he meaneth not so, neither doth his heart think so . . . Assyria’s purposes, intentions and thoughts, were not the same as the Lord's. The monarch did not think that he was only the rod of God’s anger, and the executioner of God’s vengeance . . . he thought he was his own lord and master, and acted by his own power, according to his own will, and was not under the direction and restraints of any other. Assyria’s intention was not to chastise and correct the Jews, but to utterly destroy them, and not them only, but many other nations, of which we shall see.
But it is in his heart to destroy and cut off nations, not a few . . . not just the nation of Israel, but many others, and so establish a universal monarchy. What filled him with hope and expectation of success was the splendor of his princes, and the conquests he had already made. Sennacherib's ambition was not confined to the Jews. His plan was also to conquer Egypt and Ethiopia (Isa.20:1-6; Zec.1:15).

Isaiah 10:8 For he saith, Are not my princes altogether kings? (KJV)

For he saith, are not my princes altogether kings? . . . meaning either the kings which he had conquered, which had become his princes and subjects; or possibly such were the greatness and glory of his nobles, that they were equal in their riches and dominions to kings, and so were able to furnish him with men and money for such an expedition he had in his heart to undertake, even to conquer and subdue all the nations of the Earth. The monarch could have said this either to his people, boasting of his grandeur; or in his heart, as some think, to encourage himself; in order to inject terror into the nations he meant to destroy, and mainly the inhabitants of Jerusalem.
Princes . . . kings, Eastern kings and governors of provinces often had the title and crown of kings. That is where the title, King of kings, came from, indicating the greatness of Him who was #1 over them (Eze.26:7; Ezra 7:12).
Isaiah 10:9 Is not Calno as Carchemish? is not Hamath as Arpad? is not Samaria as Damascus? (KJV)  

Is not Calno as Carchemish? . . . Calno, Calneh, built by Nimrod (Gen.10:10), once his capital, on the Tigris. Carchemish, Circesium, on the Euphrates. Taken afterwards by Necho, king of Egypt; and retaken by Nebuchadnezzar: by the Euphrates (Jer.46:2). The children of Carchemish are princes and rulers, so were the children of Calno, as if this was giving an instance of the grandeur of his subjects.
Is not Hamath as Arphad? . . . Hamath, in Syria, north of Canaan (Gen.10:18), and taken by Assyria about 753. From it colonists were planted by Assyria in Samaria. Arpad, near Hamath, both were cities conquered by the Assyrians (2 Ki.18:34); both mentioned along with Damascus (Jer.49:23).
Is not Samaria as Damascus? . . . Damascus was the metropolis of Syria (Isa.17:1, 3), and was taken by the Assyrians. Samaria was the metropolis of Ephraim, or the ten tribes (Isa.7:8), and was as easy to be taken as Damascus was. Is not . . . was there any one of these cities able to withstand the monarch? Not one. So Rabshakeh boasts (Isa.36:19).

Isaiah 10:10 As my hand hath found the kingdoms of the idols, and whose graven images did excel them of Jerusalem and of Samaria; (KJV)

As my hand hath found the kingdoms of the idols . . . which worship idols, He speaks of them as being very easily taken by him; he had no trouble in subduing them. Found, they were unable to resist Assyria.
And whose graven images did excel them of Jerusalem and of Samaria . . . being made of better metal, more richly decorated, and worshipped in a more arrogant way.

Isaiah 10:11 Shall I not, as I have done unto Samaria and her idols, so do to Jerusalem and her idols? (KJV)

Shall I not, as I have done to Samaria, and her idols . . . that what is said in the preceding verses was said before Samaria was taken, but this, after it was taken.
So do to Jerusalem and her idols . . . he had taken Samaria, and carried the ten tribes captive, and now his eye was upon Judah and Jerusalem; and such was his insolence, impiety and blasphemy, that he counts the True God, whom the Jews worshipped, among the idols of the Gentiles, and upon a level with them, if not inferior to them, especially to his own idol, and thought himself superior to him.

*****The Passage in verses 10-11 is often used to support the claim that Isaiah regarded Jerusalem as idolatrous, for the people placed the Almighty TRUE God on the same level as the local, false gods of Judea and possibly inferior to the power of some of the national gods (Isa.36:19-20; 37:12). The opposite of this is discussed in later chapters of Isaiah (Isa.37; 20; 46).

 Isaiah 10:12 Wherefore it shall come to pass, that when the Lord hath performed his whole work upon mount Zion and on Jerusalem, I will punish the fruit of the stout heart of the king of Assyria, and the glory of his high looks. (KJV)

Wherefore it shall come to pass . . . it shall surely be; what God has purposed in his heart, and published in His word, shall certainly be fulfilled. And it shall come to pass . . . this phrase is found 131 times in the KJV of the Bible, and means exactly what it states! What the LORD states, IT SHALL COME TO PASS! He means exactly that! It shall come to pass is found in the Book of Isaiah 27 times. It means EXACTLY what it says! Zion, the royal residence, the court, princes and nobles; as distinguished from Jerusalem, which was the people in general.
That when the Lord hath performed his whole work upon Mount Zion, and on Jerusalem . . . His whole work is His entire plan in correcting, chastising and humbling the people there, by allowing them to be besieged by the Assyrian army. The rod of God: (Gen.10:11; Ps.17:14; 125:3; Isa.8:4; 10:5,7, 15,; 14:5-6; Jer.51:20-26). There are many times in the Bible that God makes use of wicked men to chastise His people . . . this is His work, not theirs; and when He begins His work, He finishes what He has determined to do.
I will punish the fruit of the stout heart of the king of Assyria, and the glory of his high looks . . . that is, he would punish him for his wicked actions, which were the fruit of the haughtiness of his heart, and the pride of his eyes; or for that pride which filled his heart, and showed itself in his lofty looks. Fruit, the result of his evil heart (Jer.17:9). Stout, greatness of, pride of. Glory, outright arrogance.

*****When God gets through using Assyria to punish His people, God will deal with the Assyrians and judge them. They do not escape . . . history is proof to that fact. God judged them. Isaiah shows that God controls and judges ALL the nations of the Earth.

Isaiah 10:13 For he saith, By the strength of my hand I have done it, and by my wisdom; for I am prudent: and I have removed the bounds of the people, and have robbed their treasures, and I have put down the inhabitants like a valiant man: (KJV) 

For he saith, by the strength of my hand I have done it . . . the King of Assyria brags of the power of his army, and by his own personal courage, he had subdued kings, taken their kingdoms and chief cities, and ascribes NOTHING to the power and providence of Almighty God.
And by my wisdom, for I am prudent . . . he credits his conquests to his power, his skill and wisdom in arranging his army, making use of schemes and tricks to trap the enemy, and get an advantage of the enemy . . . whereas ALL strength and power, and ALL wisdom and prudence were from the Lord, yet the king would not acknowledge this fact, because of his vanity and pride.  
And I have removed the bounds of the people . . . the king of Assyria, subdued kingdoms, and added them to his own, so that they were no longer individual governments; and he transplanted the inhabitants of them to other places, making new colonies and settlements. The king took to himself, that which belongs to God, who has determined beforehand the times appointed and the bounds of men's habitations.
And have robbed their treasures . . . laid up in palaces, temples, tombs and private houses, for time to come, which are usually plundered when cities and towns are taken.  
And I have put down the inhabitants like a valiant man . . . he keeps on keeping on! I have brought down with strength they that dwell in fortified places. Put down, brought down, those seated on thrones, those from their greatness, from their seats of honor and dignity; reduced great numbers to a low and mean estate.

Isaiah 10:14 And my hand hath found as a nest the riches of the people: and as one gathereth eggs that are left, have I gathered all the earth; and there was none that moved the wing, or opened the mouth, or peeped. (KJV)

And my hand hath found as a nest the riches of the people . . . with that ease as a man finds a nest of birds, and takes them.
And as one gathereth eggs that are left . . . if the bird is gone off the nest, there is none to protect the eggs whereas, when the bird is on her nest, she will flutter with her wings, and strike with her bill, and preserve her eggs as well as she can. Nest, implies the ease with which he carried off all before him; left, by the parent bird.
Have I gathered all the earth . . . the kingdoms and all the inhabitants, there was none to resist, none that even dared to do it.
And there was none that moved the wing . . . as a bird will do, when it’s young or eggs are being threatened to be taken away; none, moved the wing . . . image of an angry bird resisting the robbery of its nest.
Or opened the mouth, or peeped . . . peeped, chattered, clucked, or expressed any grief, uneasiness or resentment; peeped, also means familiar spirits and wizards, that chirp and mutter (Isa.8:19). No resistance was offered to this brazen king, no actions, no words. See: Forms of Witchcraft in Special Comments at the end of this chapter . . . ALL which are hated by God.

Isaiah 10:15 Shall the axe boast itself against him that heweth therewith? or shall the saw magnify itself against him that shaketh it? as if the rod should shake itself against them that lift it up, or as if the staff should lift up itself, as if it were no wood. (KJV)

Shall the axe boast itself against him that heweth therewith? . . . the words in verses 8-14 are the words of the arrogant Assyrian monarch . . . while here begins the words of the prophet Isaiah, rebuking the king for his pride, and ridiculing his non-stop boasting, in assigning his success to himself, to his wisdom and power. He never once realized that he was simply an instrument, a rod of God, and everything that had taken place, belonged to Almighty God, the sole Director and all-wise Commander of all things. How can a motionless axe, take the praise of the work it is employed in? That is ridiculous! It was absolutely stupid for Sennacherib to say that it was by his strength and his wisdom (vs.13). There is NO way that if the rod, when it is shaken, can boast that it guides the hand which shakes it . . . for that rod (staff), that is lifted up, is simply a piece of wood!
Or shall the saw magnify itself against him that shaketh it? . . . can a lifeless saw, draw itself back and forth? Isaiah simply further exposes the pride and arrogance of the Assyrian monarch, who had no concern in the destruction of kingdoms, than the saw has in cutting of timber that is cut down.
As if the rod should shake itself against them that lift it up . . . for such was the king of Assyria, he was only the rod of the Lord's anger (vs.5), which the Lord lifted up, and with it chastised His people; because they behaved proudly in their sin against the Lord, and provoked the Lord to wrath against them. The Assyrian king acted as if there were more power in the rod (him), than in Him (God) that took it up and struck with it. The rod itself, cannot act in its own power, for it has none.
Or, as if the staff should lift up itself, as if it were no wood . . . some think this clause contains a sarcastic answer to the above questions, shall the axe boast itself? and shall the saw magnify itself? This is sarcastically spoken and carries in it a strong NO answer! The axe and saw could NOT glory, could NOT magnify themselves, any more than the king of Assyria could.

Isaiah 10:16 Therefore shall the Lord, the Lord of hosts, send among his fat ones leanness; and under his glory he shall kindle a burning like the burning of a fire. (KJV)

Therefore shall the Lord, the Lord of hosts . . . because of the pride, arrogance and vain boasting of the Assyrian monarch, which was hated and resented by the Lord, he is threatened with what follows; and to humble him and to show him that Almighty God is FAR above him, these titles are used; the Lord, the Lord of the whole earth, and the King of kings, and Lord of lords; the Lord of hosts, of armies above and below . . . of much more and greater armies than what the king of Assyria was lord of; and therefore he might be assured that what is threatened would be fulfilled.  
Send among his fat ones leanness . . . fat ones (Isa.5:17). The robust and choice soldiers of Assyria (Ps.78:31), where fattest means the same as chosen, or young men, among his princes, who abounded in riches and honor; or his army, and the chiefs in it, the mighty and strong; and by leanness is meant destruction and death, which came upon his army which was totally fulfilled (Isa.37:36), and the great men of it, immediately from the hand of God (Ps.106:15. Num.11:31-34).
And under his glory he shall kindle a burning, like the burning of a fire . . . that is, under his army, which was great and glorious, very numerous, and well outfitted with clothes and weapons, and made a very splendid and glittering show, and of which the Assyrian monarch gloried; this army the Jews say was destroyed by fire, and that the bodies of the men were burnt, and their clothes untouched; but one interprets this glory of their garments, which give a man glory, and says these were burnt; one calls them their vessels of glory; possibly meaning their glittering weapons, which were burnt along with them (Isa.9:5,19; 30:30-33; 33:10-14; 66:15-16; Eze.39:8-10; Mal.3:2-3; Zec.12:6).

Isaiah 10:17 And the light of Israel shall be for a fire, and his Holy One for a flame: and it shall burn and devour his thorns and his briers in one day; (KJV)

And the light of Israel shall be for a fire . . . meaning that the Lord is the Light of His people (Jn.1:4, 9; 8:12; 9:5), who enlightens them by His Word and His Spirit.
Light of Israel, carrying out the image in the end (vs.16). The Lord who is a light to Israel, shall be the fire (Deut.4:24; Heb.12:29), that shall ignite the thorns and briars (Isa.9:5, 18), the Assyrians were like dry fuel, a ready prey to the flame.
And his Holy One for a flame . . . meaning the Holy One of Israel, the God of Israel, who is Himself Holy, and the Sanctifier of others (setting them apart and making them holy). And His Word is strong as fire, and His Word as a flame (Jer.5:14; 20:9; 23:29).
And it shall burn and devour his thorns and his briers in one day . . . some interpret this to be his rulers and governors; others say his princes and mighty men; the chief in the Assyrian army are called thorns and briers, because they were hurtful and caused grief . . . but it seems more logical to think it means all of the common soldiers, for they all were destroyed in one night (Isa.37:36; 2 Ki.19:35), by an angel; who, according to some, is the Light and Holy One of Israel spoken of here.

Isaiah 10:18 And shall consume the glory of his forest, and of his fruitful field, both soul and body: and they shall be as when a standardbearer fainteth. (KJV)

And shall consume the glory of his forest . . . the Assyrian army is compared to a forest, for the number of mighty men in it, compared to large and tall trees, such as oaks and cedars; and whom the army is likened to a forest for the number. It seems to me this includes the princes and nobles, the main officers, generals and captain and common soldiers . . . which were all destroyed at once.
Both soul and body . . . which means the total consumption of them all, with nothing of them remaining. There are those who understand this of the eternal destruction of soul and body in Hell. Another says: they shall be consumed both soul and body, entirely consumed, not only a limb burned, but life taken away. God is able to destroy both soul and body, and therefore we should fear Him more than man, who can but kill only the body. Matthew 10:28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. (KJV) . . . But are not able to kill the soul . . . the soul of mankind is immortal, and CANNOT be touched by the sword, fire or any instruments of violence. Only Almighty God has control of the soul.
But rather fear him, which is able to destroy both body and soul in hell . . . the fear of men who would kill them, as previously predicted, was designed to prevent the apostles from the mission on which they were about to be sent. Here Jesus tells them that IF they yield to this fear, He reminds them that they must, as the alternative, encounter Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. Destroy . . . there are those that say the word destroy in this place, as proof that the soul can be annihilated. But my dear friend, there is absolutely NO place, anywhere in the Bible, that tell us a person can be annihilated (extinguished, obliterated, exterminated). The soul of mankind is immortal, meaning it shall live forever! To destroy, is NOT to annihilate, but to bring it to ruin; and the soul and body are brought to ruin when they are cast into Hell.
In Hell . . . the body and soul both are to be devastated and overwhelmed in Hell. Hell lies beyond the final judgment, FAR beyond! Immortality; endless life of the righteous: (Job 19:26; Ps.49:15; Ecc.3:21; Mat.22:32; Mk.12:25,27; Lk.16:22; 20:36; Jn.6:50: 8:51; 11:26; Rom.2:7; 1 Cor.15:53; 2 Cor.5:1; Phil.3:21; 1 Thes.4:14,17; 1 Tim.6:16; 2 Tim.1:10; Rev.6:9; 22:5).
Immortality; of the wicked, Banashed from God: (Ps.11:6; Isa.66:24; Mat.7:23; 13:50; 22:13; 25:46).  Their fate: (Mk.9:46; Lk.16:23,28; Rev.9:5; 14:11; 16:10; 18:10; 20:10).    
And they shall be as when a standardbearer fainteth . . . who when he fails, the whole company or army is thrown into confusion and flees, indicating that they would be utterly destroyed, and become as small as the dust that falls from a worm eaten tree. . . . I find it sad that there are commentators who totally eliminate Isaiah 10:18.

Isaiah 10:19 And the rest of the trees of his forest shall be few, that a child may write them. (KJV)

And the rest of the trees of his forest shall be few . . . there were only 185,000 killed by the angel (Isa.37:36; 2 Ki.19:35), which left some, and those that escaped that destruction were few (Mat.7:14). Sennacherib their king, escaped, and was then killed by his two sons Adrammelech and Sharezer (2 Ki.19:36-37).
That a child may write them . . . so few were left of that great army that a child could count them, and write down their names. The army was reduced to such a small a number by ONE lone angel (Rev.20:1-3), that there would be no need of an able military man to take the account of them, for a child would be able to do it.

The Great Tribulation and Preservation of the Remnant (10:20-27)

Isaiah 10:20 And it shall come to pass in that day, that the remnant of Israel, and such as are escaped of the house of Jacob, shall no more again stay upon him that smote them; but shall stay upon the LORD, the Holy One of Israel, in truth. (KJV)

And it shall come to pass in that day . . . now begins a prophecy referring to the people of Israel, and concerns things that would befall them after the destruction of the Babylon monarchy, which after Nebuchadnezzar did not last long. There were just two kings after Nebuchadnezzar, mentioned in Scripture, Evilmerodach (2 Ki. 25:27-30; Jer.52:31-34), and Belshazzar (Dan5:1-30), so that its tall trees, its kings, were very few, so few that a child might count them; and what is now said is for the comfort of that people, and seems to refer to the times of the Gospel.  
That the remnant of Israel, and such as are escaped of the house of Jacob . . . who would return from the Babylon captivity, and be settled in their own land.
Shall no more again stay upon him that smote them . . . either on the kings of Egypt, who were originally their oppressors, and in whom they had been so foolish as to put their trust and confidence, they being but a broken staff and reed (Isa.30:2), or on the king of Assyria, in the time of Ahaz, who made him pay tribute, and afterwards fought against him (Isa.7).  
But shall stay upon the Lord, the Holy One of Israel, in truth . . . means upon Christ, the Lord of all, and King of saints; the Lord their righteousness, and from whom they have their holiness. They must stay and lean on Him, express faith in Him, have reliance and dependence on Him and trust in Him . . . which is done in sincerity and honesty of the heart and soul, heartfelt and without hypocrisy . . . NOT only in their profession . . . but in reality as is openly revealed in the Gospel.

*****In this verse, Isaiah looks beyond the immediate circumstances which concern the Assyrian, to that day, or the last or latter days, which clearly means the Day of the Lord, which begins with the Great Tribulation period. The Tribulation period begins immediately after the saints are removed when Jesus comes in the clouds at the Rapture. The following may help you understand the ‘Rapture’.

Isaiah 10:21 The remnant shall return, even the remnant of Jacob, unto the mighty God. (KJV)

The remnant shall return . . . this is said in reference to Shearjashub, the name of Isaiah's son (Isa.7:3), which means the remnant shall return, and was imposed on him, to give assurance of it; meaning, either that they would return from the Babylon captivity, as they did, or to God by repentance; or they shall turn to the Lord, be converted to Christ, to faith and obedience in Him, as a few of them were when He came, a few, NOT all, just a remnant.  
Even the remnant of Jacob, to the mighty God . . . the Mighty God (Isa.9:6), the Messiah (Dan.9:25-26). The remnant, which have not sinned, and are turned from sin; the remnant of the house of Jacob shall return to worship before the Mighty God.

Isaiah 10:22 For though thy people Israel be as the sand of the sea, yet a remnant of them shall return: the consumption decreed shall overflow with righteousness. (KJV)

For though thy people Israel be as the sand of the sea . . . these words are spoken either by the Lord to the prophet, calling Israel his people; or by the prophet to Hezekiah, as some think; or the words can be rendered, for though thy people, O Israel, be as the sand of the sea (Gen.22:17; 32:12).
Yet a remnant of them shall return . . . or be converted to the Messiah; or be saved, as the apostle interprets it (Rom.9:27). A remnant is a few, out of a great number: it means that the vast majority of the Jewish nation would reject the Messiah, and just a few of them would believe in Christ Jesus and be saved by Him; and that because of the following reason, because,
The consumption decreed shall overflow with righteousness . . . means the precise and absolute decree concerning the salvation of the remnant, God will cause to overflow, or abundantly execute, in a righteous manner, consistent with His divine perfections; and so it makes for the comfort of the remnant of the Lord's people, agreeing to the intent of the apostle's citation of it (Rom.9:28); although some understand it of God's disciplinary justice, in consuming and destroying the greater part of the Jewish people, the ungodly among them, and saving a remnant, which return and repent.

Isaiah 10:23 For the Lord GOD of hosts shall make a consumption, even determined, in the midst of all the land. (KJV)

For the Lord GOD of hosts shall make a consumption . . . not of the land of Judea, as at the destruction of Jerusalem; but the meaning is, that He that is Lord of all (Neh.9:6; Pro.16:4; Acts 17:24; 1 Cor.8:6), who does what He pleases in the armies above and below, and shall execute and accomplish a precise and absolute decree of His, concerning the salvation of the remnant of His people; so their salvation is sure and certain. In this verse, we find yet another Name for our awesome God . . . Lord GOD. Here are some Names for Him. JEHOVAH: (Ex.6:3; Ps.83:18; Isa.12:2; 26:4). LORD: (5470 times in OT). The term Lord GOD is found 3 times in the Book of Psalms; Isaiah uses the term Lord GOD 22 times; Jeremiah uses the term Lord GOD 11 times; Ezekiel and Amos use the term Lord GOD 240 times. Obadiah use it once (1:1).
Even determined, in the midst of all the land . . . means the determined decree would be executed in several parts of the land of Judea, where this remnant was; for which reason the Gospel was preached in the several cities of Judah, in order to achieve it, both by Christ and His apostles.

Isaiah 10:24 Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD of hosts, O my people that dwellest in Zion, be not afraid of the Assyrian: he shall smite thee with a rod, and shall lift up his staff against thee, after the manner of Egypt. (KJV)

Therefore thus saith the Lord God of hosts . . . since there is such a decree, and this will certainly be executed . . . because thus saith the Lord . . . this phrase appears 37 times in Isaiah, and means that if the Lord says it, believe it, for He cannot lie (Tit.1:2)
O my people, that dwellest in Zion . . . the inhabitants of Jerusalem; especially those that feared (reverenced, respected) the Lord, and worshipped Him and served Him.  
Be not afraid of the Assyrian . . . the king of Assyria; not Sennacherib, that threatened them with ruin, having taken the cities of Judah, and laid siege to Jerusalem; nor Nebuchadnezzar, who carried them captive, since he would not be able utterly to destroy them . . .for they would return and dwell in the land again, because there was a decree concerning the salvation of a remnant, which would certainly take place; and until that was executed, it was impossible for the nation to be destroyed (Jer.31:35-37; Isa.54:9-10). Many have tried to destroy the Jews; they all failed! Many more attempts have been and shall be made. They too shall fail! Israel is here to stay because God said so!   
He shall smite thee with a rod . . . the Lord shall chastise and correct them, but He will NOT totally destroy them! He always keeps back a remnant! See Special Comments at the end of this chapter for more on remnant.
And shall lift up his staff against thee, after the manner of Egypt . . . the Assyrians extracted tribute from them, as the Egyptians did before. The sense is, that although the Assyrians would annoy and distress them, they would not utterly consume them; and there would be an end of their oppression, and a deliverance out of it.

Isaiah 10:25 For yet a very little while, and the indignation shall cease, and mine anger in their destruction. (KJV)

For yet a very little while . . . a very short time after Sennacherib came up against Jerusalem, his army was destroyed by an angel (Isa.37:36).  
And the indignation shall cease . . . the anger and resentment of the Lord against His people Israel, is clearly shown by His bringing the Assyrian monarch against them, of which he was the rod, staff or instrument (vs.5).
And mine anger in their destruction . . . NOT in the destruction of the Jews, but of the Assyrians. The sense is, that the anger or wrath of God towards the Jews for the present would be discontinued, when the Assyrian army was destroyed.

Isaiah 10:26 And the LORD of hosts shall stir up a scourge for him according to the slaughter of Midian at the rock of Oreb: and as his rod was upon the sea, so shall he lift it up after the manner of Egypt. (KJV)

And the Lord of hosts shall stir up a scourge for him . . . this scourge stirred up for the Assyrian monarch; in which that monarch was severely scourged, is none other than the angel that was sent of God to destroy his army (2 Ki.19:35; Isa.37:36).
According to the slaughter of Midian at the rock of Oreb . . . this refers to the destruction of the Midianites in the time of Gideon (Judg.7:16-25; 8:4-12); and suggests, that the slaughter of the Assyrians would be like that, for as that was in the night, and very over-all, and immediately from the Hand of the Lord, and was unthought-of, and unexpected, and that their princes that fled were taken and slain, particularly Oreb (Judg.7:25), at the rock which took its name from him.
And as his rod was upon the sea . . . this refers to Moses's rod, which was lifted up, by the order of the Lord, over the Red Sea to make a road across on dry land for Israel (Ex.14:16), when the Egyptians were drowned.  
So shall he lift it up after the manner of Egypt . . . and destroy the Assyrians, in a like manner as He destroyed the Egyptians, all at once.

Isaiah 10:27 And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing. (KJV)

And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder . . . the tax or tribute imposed upon Hezekiah by the king of Assyria (2 Ki.18:14-16).
And his yoke from off thy neck . . . they shall be wholly delivered from the power of the Assyrian, and from the fear of it. They shall not only be eased of the Assyrian army, which is now based there and which is a grievous yoke and burden to them, but they shall no more pay that tribute to the king of Assyria which before this invasion he exacted tribute or tax from them. They shall be no longer be at his service, nor lie at his mercy, as they had done; nor shall he ever again put the country under oppression. Some think this looks further into the future to the deliverance of the Jews out of their captivity in Babylon; and further yet to the last days, to the redemption of believers from the tyranny of sin and Satan. The yoke shall not only be taken away, but it shall be destroyed. The enemy shall no more recover his strength, to do the mischief he has done; and this because of the Messiah.
And thy yoke shall be destroyed, because of the anointing . . . through the multitude of riches and honors, with which the Assyrian monarchy abounded; which was filled with pride and luxury, and so bring ruin. Some interpret the anointing of Hezekiah, the anointed king of Israel, for whose sake the Assyrian yoke was destroyed. Others much better refer it to the Messiah, who was anointed with the oil of gladness above his fellows (Ps.45:7; Heb.1:9), and for whose sake, and by whom, the yoke of sin, Satan and the law, has been destroyed. One interprets it of the Spirit of God, and His powerful operations, whose gifts and graces are often compared to oil and ointment; and makes the words parallel to (Zec.4:6).

Sennacherib Marching toward Jerusalem (10:28-31)

Isaiah 10:28 He is come to Aiath, he is passed to Migron; at Michmash he hath laid up his carriages: (KJV)

He is come to Aiath . . . this and the following verses prophetically describe the expedition of Sennacherib to Jerusalem, when he either went from Assyria, or returned from Egypt there; and the several other places are mentioned. The first is Ajath, thought to be the same with Ai, which was beside Bethaven, and on the east side of Bethel (Josh.7:2), and although it was burnt, and made desolate by Joshua (Josh.8:28), it was later rebuilt.  
He is passed to Migron . . . this place, as the former, was in the tribe of Benjamin; mention is made of it, as in the uttermost part of Gibeah (1 Sam.14:2). Sennacherib seems not to have stayed either in this, or the former place, just passed through.
At Michmash he hath laid up his carriages . . . Michmash was nine miles northeast of Jerusalem. How terrible the Assyrians were and how daring and threatening they appeared. At Michmash he laid up his carriages (sometimes means baggage), as if he had no further use for his heavy artillery, so easily was every place he came to reduced.

Isaiah 10:29 They are gone over the passage: they have taken up their lodging at Geba; Ramah is afraid; Gibeah of Saul is fled. (KJV)

They are gone over the passage . . . the passage of Michmash (1 Sam.13:23), this to be understood of the king of Assyria with his army, although some say this looks to the last days of the Antichrist (Rev.13).  
They have taken up their lodging at Geba . . . it seems it was for only a night. This was a city in the tribe of Benjamin (Josh.21:17), called Geba of Benjamin (1 Ki. 15:22).
Ramah is afraid . . . the inhabitants fear at the report of the march of the king of Assyria and his army, and their being near to them. Ramah was in the tribe of Benjamin (Josh.18:25), it is mentioned with Gibeah (Hos.5:8).
Gibeah of Saul is fled . . . the inhabitants of it fled, upon hearing the king of Assyria with his army was coming that way. This was also a city of Benjamin, and is called Gibeah of Benjamin (1 Sam.13:2) and Gibeah of Saul (1 Sam.11:4), as here.

Isaiah 10:30 Lift up thy voice, O daughter of Gallim: cause it to be heard unto Laish, O poor Anathoth. (KJV)

Lift up that voice, O daughter of Gallim . . . in a mournful and hopeless manner, and yet with such a clear loud voice, it could be heard afar off. The inhabitants of Gallim are meant by its daughter; of this place was Phalti, who married Michal, Saul's daughter; very probably it was in the tribe of Benjamin.
Cause it to be heard unto Laish. . . if this was the place the Danites took, and called it Dan, it was on the northern border of Judea, in the furthermost part of the land; so it was near to Caesarea, and was a great way off, yet the voice could be heard there.
O poor Anathoth . . . this was a city in the tribe of Benjamin (Josh.21:18). It was the native place of the Prophet Jeremiah (Jer.1:1). According to Josephus, it was twenty furlongs from Jerusalem; and it is called poor, because it was but a poor village; or because it would now become so, through the ravages of the Assyrian army.

Isaiah 10:31 Madmenah is removed; the inhabitants of Gebim gather themselves to flee. (KJV)

Madmenah is removed . . . meaning the inhabitants left there when they heard the Assyrian army had invaded the land, and was coming up to Jerusalem. There was a place called Madmannah, which lay in the southern part of the tribe of Judah (Josh.15:31), which was then called Memris, and was near the city of Gaza; but if this is the same as this is not known.
The inhabitants of Gebim gather themselves to flee . . . this place Gebim, is found only here in the KJV of the Bible. I find no account anywhere else. Some suppose it had its name from the pits and/or ditches that were in it, or around it.

Assyria’s Judgment (10:32-34)

Isaiah 10:32 As yet shall he remain at Nob that day: he shall shake his hand against the mount of the daughter of Zion, the hill of Jerusalem. (KJV)

As yet shall he remain at Nob that day . . . the same day he came from Gebim; and proceeded no further, but made a short stay at Nob, to prepare himself and his army to march to Jerusalem the next day. Some say that he completed all his journey in one day; the same day he came to Ajath  . . . he came to Nob, where he stayed the remaining part of the day. Nob was a city of the priests (1 Sam.22:19), it was so close to Jerusalem, that it could be seen from there.
He shall shake his hand against the mount of the daughter of Zion, the hill of Jerusalem . . . threatening what he would do to it, and feeling contempt for it as unable to hold out against him. How powerless his attempt upon Jerusalem shall be!  Although he is at Nob, from where he can see Mount Zion, and there shall shake his hand against it and threaten all he shall do! It shall be safe. The daughter of Jerusalem, to be even with him, shall shake her head at him (Isa.37:22). When he shakes his hand at Jerusalem, and is about to lay hands on it, then shall God appear against him; for Zion is the place of which God has said, This is my rest for ever (Ps.132:14) . . . therefore those who threaten it offend God Himself.

*****Verses 28-32 is a most remarkable section of prophecy. It gives certain geographical locations, all of them north of Jerusalem, and it shows the route taken by Assyria and of the future invader from the north, who many think will be Russia. The invader comes from the land of Magog (Eze.38 & 39).

Consier the places mentioned: Aiath is about fifteen miles north of Jerusalem. Migron is south of Aiath and is the pass where Jonathan got a victory over the Philistines (1 Sam.14). Geba and Ramah are about six miles north of Jerusalem. Anathoth was about three miles north of Jerusalem, which was the home of the prophet Jeremiah. Laish is in the extreme north of Palestine, in the tribe of Dan. Madmenah is a garbage dump north of Jerusalem. Gebim is probably north of Jerusalem, although the exact site is not known. Nob is the last place mentioned, and it is north of the city and in sight of Jerusalem.

Isaiah 10:33 Behold, the Lord, the LORD of hosts, shall lop the bough with terror: and the high ones of stature shall be hewn down, and the haughty shall be humbled. (KJV)

Behold, the Lord, the Lord of hosts, shall lop the bough with terror . . . lop the bough, cut off the king of Assyria and his army, in a most terrible way. The glory of it (vs.18), indicates that which is the beauty and glory of the tree. Behold, the Lord of hosts shall cast forth the slain in his camp, as grapes that are trod in a winepress.
And the high ones of stature shall be hewn down . . . the princes of Assyria, so boasted of as kings (vs.8), as compared to tall trees, to oaks and cedars.
And the haughty shall be humbled . . . all the proud and arrogant, like their monarch, boasted of their wisdom and strength (vs.10), but now both he and they will be brought very low.

Isaiah 10:34 And he shall cut down the thickets of the forest with iron, and Lebanon shall fall by a mighty one. (KJV)

And he shall cut down the thickets of the forest with iron . . . the multitude of the common soldiers, the whole body of the army, by means of ONE of the Lord’s angels (Rev.20:1-3) . . . [ONE angel there too], that excel in strength, for which this angel in verse 34 is compared to iron; and which is explained next.
And Lebanon shall fall by a mighty one . . . the Assyrian army is compared to the forest of Lebanon, for the multitude of trees in it, and the tallness of its cedars, it abounding not only with common soldiers, but with great men; so it is compared to a forest, and to Carmel, or a fruitful field (vs.18), and the Assyrian monarch is said to be a cedar in Lebanon (Eze.31:3), which fell by the hands of just ONE of the mighty angels (2 Ki.19:35).

*****The pride of the enemy shall be humbled, the boughs that are lifted up on high shall be lopped off, the high and stately trees shall be cut down; meaning that the proud and arrogant shall be humbled. Any and all those that lift themselves up in competition with God or opposition to Him shall be lowered and humiliated.

The power of the enemy shall be broken! The thickets of the forest the Lord shall cut down. When the Assyrian soldiers were dressed for war, with their spears erect, they looked like a forest, like Lebanon . . . but, when in ONE night, by ONE lone angel, they all became as dead corpses laid on the ground, and Lebanon was of a sudden cut down by ONE mighty angel, by the destroying angel, who in a so little time slew so many thousands of them (2 Ki.19:35; Isa.37:36), and, if this shall be the exit of that proud invader, God's people should NOT be afraid of man.
Psalm 118:6 The LORD is on my side; I will not fear: what can man do unto me? (KJV)
Proverbs 29:25 The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the LORD shall be safe. (KJV)

Special Comments

It shall come to pass: 131 time in KJV of the Bible, and means exactly what it states! What the LORD states, IT SHALL COME TO PASS! He means exactly that! It shall come to pass is found in the Book of Isaiah 27 times: (Isa.2:2; 3:24; 4:3; 7:7,18,21-23; 8:21; 10:12, 20,27;11:11; 14;13,24; 16:12;17:4; 22:7,20; 23:15,17; 24:18,21; 7:12-13; 65:24; 66:23). It means EXACTLY what it says! God CANNOT lie (Tit.1:2).

Some of our web site articles that may help you understand the End Times:


The Biblical teaching of the remnant, always refers to Judah and the other tribes of Israel, NEVER to Gentiles, NEVER to the church.  It teaches that Almighty God is obligated to save a remnant of all Israel, to preserve their line, which eventually shall fulfill the covenants made with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and David. The Lord  promised an eternal line to these men, and He promised their descendants an eternal land (Gen.12:1-3,7, 13:14-17; 15:18-21; 17:2-8,19; 21:12; 22:17-18; 6:3-4; 28:3-4, 13-15; 2 Sam.7).

God often predicted to deliver and preserve a remnant of the thirteen tribes and their final and eternal restoration under their Messiah (Isa.1:9; 10:20-22; 11:10-12,16; 46:3; Jer.23:3; 31:7; 39:9; 40:11; Eze.6:8-10; Joel 2:32; Mic.2:12; 5:3-8; Zep.2:7-9; 3:13; Zec.8:6-12; Rom.9:27; 11:5; 12:17). 

Isaiah 1:9 Except the LORD of hosts had left unto us a very small remnant, we should have been as Sodom, and we should have been like unto Gomorrah. (KJV)
According to this, Isaiah said that a very small remnant would be saved in the coming destruction of Judah and Jerusalem; or else Israel would have been totally destroyed like Sodom and Gomorrah.


I am giving you MANY references to God’s anger and wrath. I want you to see, and understand just how many places in the Bible there are that clearly state that God is indeed a God of wrath and rightly so! Dear one, God has TWO distinct sides! YES! He certainly is a God of love! He has proven this by His sending His only begotten Son to save us from Hell! BUT . . . HE IS ALSO a God of WRATH! And IF you go against Him in any way, you shall feel that righteous and holy wrath! I pray that it will not be in Hell for eternity. http://www.godcannotlie.org/truth_about_salvation.htm

GOD'S WRATH, is His righteous anger against all wickedness

(Ex.15:7; 22:24; 32:10; 33:5; Lev.26:28; Num.11:33; 16:21, 45; Deut.1:34; 3:26; 6:15; 9:7,14,19; 11:7; Josh.22:18; Judg.2:20; 10:7; 2 Sam.22:8; 2 Ki.21:15; 22:13, 17; 23:26; 2 Chron.19:2; 24:18; 28:9; 29:8; 32:25; 34:21; 36:16; Ezra 9:11; 10:14; Neh.13:18; Job 10:17; 19:11; 20:23; 21:20; 42:7; Ps.2:5, 12; 18:7; 21:9; 69:24; 76:7; 78:21,59; 79:6; 88:16; 89:38,46; 90:7; 106:23,40; Ecc.5:6; Isa.9:19:13:9,13; 28:21; 47:6; 51:20; 57:17; 63:6; 64:5; Jer.4:4; 6:11; 10;10; 21:5,12; 32:31,37; 44:22; 50;13; Lam.3:43; 4:11; 5:22; Eze.5:13; 6:12; 7:8,14; 13:15; 20:8; 21:31; 22:21; 24:13: 25:14; 30:15; 36:6,18; 38:19; Hos.5:10; 13:11; Nah.1:2,6; Zep.1:18; Zec.1:12; 7:12; 8:14; 10:3; Mat.3:7; Lk.3:7; 14:21; 21:23; Jn.3:36; Rom.1:18; 2:5,8; Eph.5:6; Col.3:6; 1Thes.1:10; 2:16; Heb.3:11; Rev.11:18; 14:10,19; 15:7; 16:19).

GOD'S ANGER, fury, rage, resentment against sin

(Ex.4:14; Num.11:1,10; 12:9; 14:11; 22:22; 25:3; 32:13; Deut.1:37; 4:21; 7:4; 9:8,20; 13:17; 29:20,23; 31:17; 32:16,21; Josh.7:1; 23:16; Judg.2:14; 3:8; 2 Sam.6:7; 24:1; 1 Ki.8:46; 11:9; 14:15; 15:30; 16:2,26,33; 21:22; 22:53; 2 Ki.13:3; 17:11,18; 23:19; 24:20; 1 Chron.13:10; 2 Chron.6:36; 25:15; 28:25; 34:25; Ezra 9:14; Job.9:5; 21:17; Ps.6:1; 7:11; 27:9; 38:3; 74:1; 78:58’ 80:4; 90:11; 106:32; Isa.1:4; 5:25; 9:12,17; 10:4; 30:27,30; 42:25; 63:3; 66:15; Jer.3:12; 4:8; 7:20; 12:13; 15:14; 17:4; 23:20; 25:37; 30:24; 33:5; 36:7; 42:18; 44:6; 49:37; 51:45; 52:3; Lam.1:12; 2:1,21; 4:6; Eze.7:3; 13:13; 20:21,34; 22:20; 43:8; Hos.8:5; 12:14; Jonah 3:9; Hab.3:8; Zep.2:2).

GOD’S INDIGNATION, anger aroused by something unjust or unworthy

(Deut.29:28; Ps.69:24; 78:49; 102:10; Isa.10:5,25; 13:5; 26:20; 30:27; 34:2; 66:14; Jer.4:26; 10;10; 50:25; Lam.2:6; Eze.20:13; 21:31; 22:31; Dan.11:36; Mic.7:9; Nah.1:6; Hab.3:12; Zep.1:15; 3:8; Mal.1:4; Mat.22:7; Mk.3:5; Jn.2:15; Heb.10:27; Rev.14:10)

DIVINE VENGEANCE, God's wrath, punishment, retribution

(Ex.22:24; 32:10,27; Lev.20:5; 26:18; Num.14:12; 21:6; 25:4; 31:3; Deut.7:10; 29:27; 32:35,41; Josh.7:15; 1 Sam.2:25; 24:12; 2 Sam.18:31; 22:48; 1 Ki.21:19; 2 Ki,9:7; 2 Chron.36:17; Job 20:23; Ps.18:47; 21:9; 56:7; 78:50; 79:10; 94:1, 99:8; 149:7; Pro.22:23; Isa.1:24; 9:17; 14:22; 31:2, 34:2,8; 35:4; 47:3; 49:26; 59:17; 61:2; 63:4; Jer.5:9,29; 9:9; 14:16; 20:12; 29:18; 36:7; 42:7; 44:6; 46:10; 50:15,28; 51:6,11,36; Lam.2:4; 4:11; Eze.7:8; 8:18; 9:8; 14:19; 19:12; 20:8,33; 22:22; 25:14,17; 38:18; Hos.2:3; 5:14; 13:8; Amos 9:4; Nah.1:2; Zep.2:11; 3:8; Lk.21:22; Rom.3:5; 11:21; 12:19; 1 Thes.4:6; 2 Thes.1:8; Heb.10:30; Jude 1:7; Rev.6:17; 18:20; 19:2)

PROVOKING GOD, Inciting His anger

(Num. 14:11,23; 16:30; Deut. 4:25; 9:7,18,22; 31:20, 29; 32:16; Judg.2:12; 1 Ki.14:9; 15:30; 16:2, 7, 13, 26, 33; 21:22; 2 Ki.17:17; 21:6, 15; 22:17; 23:19, 26; 2 Chron.28:25; 34:25; Ezra 5:12; Neh.4:5; 9:18, 26; Ps.78:17, 40, 56; 106:7, 29, 43; Isa.1:4; 3:8; 65:3; Jer. 7:18; 8:19; 11:17; 25:7; 32:31; 44:3, 8; Eze.8:3, 17; 16:26; 28; 20:28; Hos.12:14; Zec.8:14; Heb.3:16)

Are YOU doing anything to provoke God’s wrath in any way! IF you are, I suggest that you stop! You do NOT want His holy and righteous wrath to come down on you. You do NOT want any part of His wrath, especially on Judgment Day when Judge Jesus could sentence you to the lake of fire! (Rev.20:15)


We made a trip to Yellowstone a while back. Beautiful country up there! We never did get to see Old Faithful, because the roads were all tore up, being repaired, and neither of us are capable of walking.  

There were hot springs everywhere. I want to comment on one thing that we saw . . . that being the boiling water in several places. I took pictures. It actually was scary to say the least! I was amazed. It certainly made us think! That hot water had to come from heat beneath the Earth, a volcano! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yellowstone_Caldera

Now, considering this fact . . . consider just how many hot springs there are in the world, and then consider how many volcanoes there are all over the world.
What I am trying to get across to you is just how many hot springs and volcanoes there are all over the world. Where are they? Beneath the ground, in the center of the Earth. So . . . what does it look like down there? I would want to say that God tells us in every Passage in the Bible that speaks of Hell and the lake of fire! It is only common sense to think that Hell is in the center of the Earth. And thinking how large the Earth is, it is only common sense to think that Hell will indeed be large enough to house ALL the wicked of the world.  (Isa.5:14; 14:9; 30:33; Pro.27:20; Eze.32:21; Hab.2:5; Mat.7:13; Rev.20:13-15).
Some things to consider is that the Bible states that Hell will be as FIRE!
Everlasting fire. Matthew 25:41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels: [KJV] Jesus' Words.
Everlasting burnings. Isaiah 33:14 The sinners in Zion are afraid; fearfulness hath surprised the hypocrites. Who among us shall dwell with the devouring fire? who among us shall dwell with everlasting burnings? [KJV]
A furnace of fire. Matthew 13:42
And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. [KJV] Jesus' Words. Matthew 13:50 And shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. [KJV] Jesus' Words.
A lake of fire. Rev. 20:15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire. [KJV]
Fire and brimstone. Rev. 14:10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: [KJV]
Unquenchable fire. Matthew 3:12 Whose fan is in his hand, and he will throughly purge his floor, and gather his wheat into the garner; but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire. [KJV]
Devouring fire. Isaiah 33:14 The sinners in Zion are afraid; fearfulness hath surprised the hypocrites. Who among us shall dwell with the devouring fire? who among us shall dwell with everlasting burnings? [KJV]
Another thing to consider is that the Bible states that Hell will be dark.
Outer Darkness. Matthew 8:12
But the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.[KJV] Matthew 22:13 Then said the king to the servants, Bind him hand and foot, and take him away, and cast him into outer darkness; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. [KJV] Matthew 25:30 And cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. [KJV]
SO . . . how do we reconcile these two things? In reality fire and darkness are opposites! In my mind, they can be reconciled! When we consider just how large this Earth is, and when we consider the center of the Earth, it too is massive. It seems to me that there are many caves down there, and they would indeed be dark. Anyone who has ever been in a cave, knows just how dark they can be. There is not a bit of light, it is pitch dark, black as can be! On the other hand, there are fires everywhere else down there from the volcanoes.
When I think of Hell, this is what comes to my mind.

Our Websites about HELL: http://www.hisservants.org/hell_h_s.htm
http://www.lastdaysprophecy.org/L_D_is_there_really_a_hell.htm http://www.hisservants.org/books_heaven_vs_hell.html

Forms of Witchcraft

Divination, obtaining supposedly secret knowledge, especially of the future; a pagan equal to prophecy. (Gen.44:5, 15; Num.22:7; 23:23; 24:1; Deut.18:10,14; 1 Sam.6:2; 2 Ki.17:17; Isa,44:25; Je.27:9; 29:8; Eze.12:24; 13:6,23; 21:21; Zec.10:2; Acts 16:16)
Magicians, supposed workers of wonders beyond human powers. (Gen.41:8, 24; Ex.7:11, 22; 8:7,19; 9:11; Isa.47:13; Dan.1:20; 2:2,10,27; 4:7; 5:7)
Necromancy, onsulting the dead. (Deut.18:11; 1 Sam.28:11; Isa.8:18; 65:4)
Soothsayers, supposed pagan equals of the prophets; forecasters of future events. (Josh.13:22; Isa.2:6; Dan.2:27; 4:7; 5:7; Mic.5:12; Acts 16:16)
Sorcery, the practice of the occult, supernatural, mystical, or magical beliefs, practices, or miracles. Any kind of magic, witchcraft, sorcery, necromancy, wizardry, black arts, occultism, diabolism (devil worship), devilish conduct,  voodoo, white magic, witchery, mysticism. Anything to do with the devil! (Lev.19:26; Deut.18:10; 2 Ki.17:17; 21:6; 2 Chron.33:6; Isa.47:9, 12; Jer.27:9; Mal.3:5; Acts 8:11; 13;6; 19:19; Rev.9:21; 18:23; 21:8)
Witchcraft, any divination associated with idolatrous worship and demonic powers. (Ex.22:18; lev.19:21; 20:6, 27; Deut.18:10; 1 Sam.15:23; 28:3,7; 2 Ki.9:22; 21:6; 23:24; 1 Chron.10:13; 2 Chron. 33:6; 2 Ki.23:24; Isa.8:19; 19:3; 29:4; Mic.5:12; Nah.3:4; Gal.5:20)
Lying Wonders, supposed miracles. (Ex.7:11, 22; 8:7; Mat.7:22; 24:24; Mk.3:22; 2 Thes.2:9; Rev.13:13; 16:14; 19:20)

NONE of the above, in any way, are permitted by Almighty God! BEWARE!!! To do so is turning your back one the One and Only TRUE God, and in fact, worshipping the devil! BEWARE!!! Do NOT mess around with demonic spirits. You will NOT like what you shall hear on Judgment Day!

Commentaries on Old Testament Books

Book of Isaiah . . Isaiah's Mini-Bible

Isaiah Ch.1 . . Isaiah Ch.2 . . Isaiah Ch.3 . . Isaiah Ch.4 . . Isaiah Ch.5 . . Isaiah Ch.6 . . Isaiah Ch.7 . . Isaiah Ch.8 . . Isaiah Ch.9 . . Isa.Ch.10 . . Isa.Ch.11 . . Isa.Ch12 . . Home Page

JUDGMENT ON THE NATIONS . . . . . Isaiah Ch.13 . . Isaiah Ch.14 . . Isaiah Ch.15 . . Isaiah Ch.16 . . Isaiah Ch.17 . . Isaiah Ch.18 . . Isaiah Ch.19 . . Isaiah Ch.20 . . Isaiah Ch.21 . . Isaiah Ch.22 . . Isaiah Ch.23 . . Home Page

ISAIAH’S APOCALYPSE . . . . . Isaiah Ch.24 . . Isaiah Ch.25 . . Isaiah Ch.26 . . Isaiah Ch.27 . . Home Page

ISAIAH'S SIX WOES . . . Isaiah Ch.28 . . Isaiah Ch.29 . . Isaiah Ch.30 . . Isaiah Ch.31 . . Isaiah Ch.32 . . Isaiah Ch.33 . . Isaiah Ch.34 . . Isaiah Ch.35 . . Home Page

Isaiah's Historic Part . . Isaiah Ch.36 . . Isaiah Ch.37 . . Isaiah Ch.38 . . Isaiah Ch.39 . . Home Page

Isaiah Speaks of Messiah's Incarnation. . Isaiah Ch.40 . . Isaiah Ch.41 . . Isaiah Ch.42 . . Isaiah Ch.43 . . Isaiah Ch.44 . . Isaiah Ch.45 . . Isaiah Ch.46 . . Isaiah Ch.47 . . Isaiah Ch.48 . . Home Page

Isaiah's Introduction to the Suffering Servant

Isaiah's Suffering Servant Prophecy. . . Isaiah 52:13-53:12

Isaiah's Redemption Through the Suffering Servant . . . Isaiah Ch.49 . . Isaiah Ch.50 . . Isaiah Ch.51 . . Isaiah Ch.52 . . Isaiah Ch.53 . . Isaiah Ch.54 . . Isaiah Ch.55 . . Isaiah Ch.56 . . Isaiah Ch.57 . . Home Page

Isaiah's Vision of the Dispersion . . . Isaiah Ch.58 . . Isaiah Ch59 . . Isaiah Ch.60 . . Isaiah Ch.61 . . Isaiah Ch.62 . . Isaiah Ch.63 . . Isaiah Ch.64 . . Isaiah Ch.65 . . Isaiah Ch.66 . . Home Page







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